In the primeval wilds of the Northland, two noble moose, leaders of their herds, met in deadly combat.
Today their locked antlers, mute evidence of the futility of antagonism and strife, lie bleaching on the plains.
We are met tonight as brothers, united in a common cause.
Let the spirit of harmony and fraternal regard, temper and guide our deliberations, lest we be blinded to the
lesson of the "Locked Horns".
Why join the Moose?
That's a question that really consists of two parts: First, why was this particular animal chosen to represent a humanitarian
fraternal order, and secondly, why would a person or a family seek to become a member of it.
The first answer is fairly straightforward: The Moose is a large, powerful animal, but one which is a protector not a predator.
We think it was perhaps said best in our former enrollment ceremony:
"He takes only what he needs, nothing more . . . yet for his great size and strength he lives in peace with other creatures.
The moose uses his size and power not to dominate but to protect, not to spoil but to preserve. He is a fierce protector,
a loyal companion, and a generous provider who brings comfort and security to those within his defending circle."
It is these characteristics of the moose in the wild-the protective instinct for its young, and for the old and infirm in
its herd-that the human members of the Moose fraternity have, for decades, modeled, in the establishment and operation of
Mooseheart, the organization's community and school for children and teens in need; and Moosehaven, the retirement community
for Moose men and women; as well as in service to its communities.
As for the second question-why would people seek membership? . . .
Fellowship and Fun for Members
Approximately 1.6 million men and women have found reasons to join the Family Fraternity and enjoy all the benefits a Lodge
has to offer. Because of the Moose Lodges' not-for-profit status, its services can be offered to members for very reasonable
prices. Here are just a few reasons why membership in the Moose might benefit you:
Do you and your spouse have dinner out a time or two per month? Or, would you like to, but don't feel you can afford it? Take
a look at a local Lodge. Nearly every Lodge offers frequent dinners at prices much less than you'd pay at any local, sit-down
If you're the parent or guardian of school-age children, do you ever stop in an arcade at the local mall to let them enjoy
some video games or pinball machines? We know of many Moose Lodges where the kids can play the very same games for one quarter
instead of two, and some Lodges where - as often as once or twice a week - the games are free!
Do you enjoy golf, bowling, billiards, or darts, but find that it's getting a little expensive to test your skills at the
local course, hall or bowling alley? Again, Moose membership offers many opportunities to join in these activities for less
money than at commercial establishments.
Where do you and your friends meet to socialize and spend time together? Are most places you meet overcrowded and overpriced?
Moose Lodges provide a hub for social interaction, a place for friends and fellowship.
These are just a few examples, and there are many more. In fact, the emphasis of such activities sparked the beginning of
the Moose Family Center, changing from the old traditional facility centered around male-only socializing to a full program
of Family Activities planned for the Lodge.
Membership provides the opportunity to participate in several international sports programs hosted by Lodges and Chapters
throughout the fraternity. Tournaments and leagues for bowling, mixed bowling, golf, darts, softball, horseshoes and pool
are organized by Moose International. With approximately 500,000 members participating in member sports programs last year,
Moose sports promote recreational and social opportunities through competitive participation.
While the leagues and tournaments are extremely competitive, Moose sports are all about fun. They offer a chance to meet new
people and interact with fellow Moose members. By recognizing top performers and providing local leagues and tournaments,
Moose sports programs offer an entirely different member benefit for those who choose to participate.
For More Information about how membership in the Family Fraternity may benefit you, contact a Lodge or Chapter near you